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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Kigdom of Crystal Skul

Famed archaeologist/adventurer Dr. Henry "Indiana" Jones is called back into action when he becomes entangled in a Soviet plot to uncover the secret behind mysterious artifacts known as the Crystal Skulls.

Sours: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0367882/

Trailer: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0367882/trailers-trailer-vi1622278425

My comments: My comments: I just barely came home from the midnight showing. While I watched the movie I was thinking about what I would write about this movie when I got home. Should I write and tell everyone what a great movie this was and how much I enjoyed it? Or should I confess to everyone and say I didn't like it at all?
Let me clarify something: I have never been a big fan of the Indiana Jones movies, but I have seen all of them. So I won't say I didn't enjoy them but they are not my favorite either. During the movie I really tried to get over the fact that Indiana Jones's character has always been unbelievable to me. But I can proudly announce that I did get over it and I tried to focus on the story, not on how many unsurvivable things have already happened and why everyone is still alive. So if I were a huge Indi fan I would say this was a good movie. If I were a normal movie watcher who had seen all of the Indiana Jones movies I would say this movie was a parody of all the previous Indiana Jones movies. But if I am true to myself and write as a movie critic, I would have to say this was one of the worst movies I have seen in a long time. I have believed for a long time that Hollywood is running out of ideas for new movies, and this movie is another example of that. But let's be honest: this movie wan't made for me. We all know that this movie was made for the Indiana Jones fans and because it would be very good money for the moviemakers, so I won't post any more negative things bcause it won't be appropriate for others who really admire this movie and Indiana Jones. So, Dear Reader, if you are one of those who loves the Indiana Jones movies and you are a big fan, then please don't hesitate to go and watch this movie because I do want to hear your side of the story and how much you liked it. I believe that no matter how bad a movie turns out, we should watch it at least once, and if you love movies you will never feel you have wasted your money or your time.
I also have to say that even though Harrison Ford shouldn't get an Oscar for his acting in this movie, I still hope they finally give him an honorary Oscar for his life's work, for the sake of us movie lovers.

Dont't forget to vote!


Anonymous said...

**Warning!! Contains Spoilers!!**

So I'm a real live Indiana Jones fan, and I thought this movie was dumb. I enjoyed it, all right, but only because I like Harrison Ford and because he obviously enjoys his role. But who thought up THIS idea? It's like a bad cross between an adventure movie, National Treasure, and the X-Files, only without the wit that even the National Treasure sequel had. The aliens were a supremely stupid idea. The characters were all pretty shallow, even though the actors did all right with what they were given. It's just that the whole thing came across as ridiculous, rather than funny or exciting. Final verdict: worth seeing once, but that's it, even for die-hard Indi fans. Oh, and I felt gypped when they got to the final scene where the kid goes to pick up Indi's hat and you realize that this whole fiasco was just to set the stage for the next generation of Indiana Jones III movies.

People's Award said...

Thank you for the comment, it was interesting to read, especially because you are an Indiana Jones fan. If you are right and they make a new Indiana Jones series, then I'm definitely looking forward to seeing it, because Shia LaBeouf is one of the new, up and coming stars and I think he's very talented. So thanks for your comment again!

Hernan+ said...

I agree with Micuta... I like the whole movie until the Alien part... but it was great to see the Iguazu falls (which btw is in Argentina)

I heard that they,indeed, are going to make a sequel...

Anonymous said...

I like the Indiana Jones movies, but I really didn't think this one was that great (I have to say that it wasn't as bad as I expected though, considering all the bad reviews it has gotten).The story line was incredibly far fetched, even for an Indiana Jones movie and the action scenes were only so-so. If you're an Indiana Jones fan it's worth seeing once, but not more than that.