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Friday, May 2, 2008

Iron Man

Tony Stark, technological prodigy, has been making weapons his whole life, not caring about who uses them or who's hurt by them. When he's kidnapped by a terrorist group intent on using his talent to their own purposes, Stark is forced to improvise an escape, and as he gets away, he vows to undo the damage he's done. Starring Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man and Gwyneth Paltrow as his lovely assistant Pepper Potts.

Trailer: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0371746/trailers- screenplay- vi1605304601

My comments: Most hero movies are about heroes who have inborn powers they use to save the world from impending doom. I loved that this movie was different, I loved that the movie had to do with real life situations, war weapons, lies, and money. I also loved that Iron Man's character is believable--I mean that if I can believe that someone can invent a motorbike at the age of 6, then I can definitely believe that at age of 30 that someone can became Iron Man. I didn't expect too much when I first went to see it, but it was so much fun that this movie is going to be the first one I add to my dvd collection this year.(Don't forget to vote)


Hernan+ said...

I liked it too... It was fun to watch... in some parts I was like "Yeah right like that could happen" forgetting that it was in fact "fantasy"

People's Award said...

Thanks for your comment. I'm glad someone else thinks that this movie is different than the usual hero movies. I think it was phenomenal, something I want to go see again. Invite more of your frinds to see the blog. PS: don't forget to come back and vote for the best movie of the year or the best actor and actress of the year.

Nebes said...

Whenever there's a super hero movie, I'm the first one in line to watch it, and I'm always a big fan of all of them. With Iron Man, I had really high expectations for it, like it would set the standards for Super Hero movies, but in the end I felt like Iron Man was exactly the same as all the others. Iron man was in no way a bad movie, I loved the effects and the action, but when the credits rolled it was like every other hero movie.

Anonymous said...

This was one of the best movies I have seen in a long time. I had never heard of Iron Man before the movie, except for the Black Sabbath song, but it was awesome! I would love to see it again, and again, and again. And probably again.