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Friday, July 18, 2008

The Dark Night

Don't forget to vote!!!!
Comment: What a movie!!! See my comment below.


Nebes said...

Holy $#@*&>?!!! What a movie! Three days after watching this movie, and I am still impressed: good acting, AWESOME story, really good acting, disturbing characters, very very good acting....what else can I say?

People's Award said...

I agree with Nebes!! What a movie! I have already seen it twice, and even though it is a 3-hour movie, I enjoyed every minute of it. Great, great acting, and they couldn't have made a better choice than Heath Ledger as the Joker. He was so real there were a few scenes where I wondered whether that's what he was like in real life. The whole movie is full of fantastic performances. This movie is definitely worth the money!

Our Corner said...

WOW...what else is there to say except..WOW. We dont go to movies a lot and when we do we really hope it was worth our money. This was DEFINATELY worth it.If you havent seen it yet GO AND SEE IT!!!! it is a must see in theaters.

Hernan+ said...

I loved the joker... awesome movie...