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Friday, March 28, 2008


Ben Campbell is a young, highly intelligent, student at M.I.T. in Boston who strives to succeed. Wanting a scholarship to transfer to Harvard School of Medicine with the desire to become a doctor, Ben learns that he cannot afford the $300,000 for the four to five years of school since he comes from a poor, working-class background. But one evening, Ben is introduced by his unorthodox math professor Micky Rosa into a small but secretive club of five students, Jill, Choi, Kianna, and Jimmy whom are being trained by Professor Rosa of the skill of card counting at blackjack. Intriged by the desire to make money, Ben joins his new friends on secret weekend trips to Las Vegas where, using their skills of code talk and hand signals, they have Ben make hundreds of thousands of dollars in winning blackjack at casino after casino. Ben only wants to make enough money for the tuition to Harvard and then back out. But as fellow card counter, Jill Taylor, predicts, Ben becomes corrupted by greed and his arrogance at winning which lets his feelings get in the way, and it also puts Professor Rosa, as well as the group, on the radar of a brutal casino security enforcer, named Cole Williams, who holds a personal grudge of some kind against Rosa which threatens to undo everything the students have learned and earned. Written by matt-282
Sours: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0478087/plotsummary

My Coments: This movie is one of those movies that got high ratings but I just don't think it was as good as they say. I liked it, but would I watch it again? Yes, but maybe only in 1-2 years. I was too excited to see it and I think my expectations were too high. In some moments the acting was some of the worst I've seen. They could have done so much more with the story, but they didn't. However, just because it didn't fullfill my expectations doesn't mean you shouldn't go see it. Let's see if this helps: I would say it is worth 5 dollars for a matinee, but it's not worth 9 dollars for an evening show.

1 comment:

Nebes said...

I liked 21 because right from the start it puts you in the game table and it pretty much keeps you there the entire time. The best part is the end where Kevin Spacey gets.....